Pre-Apprenticeship Farmer Training AFFECT PROJECT

Are you a young person interested in farming in Interior Alaska? This program pays you to learn everything you need to start a farm in Fairbanks become the next generation of food growers! This is a really great program with great people.


Program Dates: 

Session 1: April 27 – June 1

Session 2: June 8 – July 22

Session 3: July 27 – August 31

Program Structure: 

Weekly Classroom Lessons: Thursday’s 6:30-8:30pm 

Three-Four Mandatory Field Days per Month: 2-5 hr scheduled work sessions at different local farms and greenhouses to learn hands-on farm training throughout Alaska’s growing season. These will take place in the evenings or on weekends.

Session Outlines:

Session 1: 

​Session 1 is for FNSB residents with an interest in growing food who still need to learn more skills and want to work in the agriculture industry. Participants don’t need to have a massive amount of land but be interested in growing on a large scale or working closely with an established farm. This six-week session will cover topics including microgreens, seed-starting, soil health, plant health, hydroponics, compost, and more. There will be one classroom session per week and visits to a variety of local farms for hands-on learning as well.

Participants who complete Session 1 will have the option to enroll in the subsequent sessions. 

Session 2: 

Session 2 is for FNSB residents who are already growing a substantial amount of food, more than they need to feed themselves and their families. They are more familiar with basic growing knowledge and want to learn more about how to scale up their growing operation into a profitable business. This seven-week session will cover topics including farm planning, irrigation, field prep, crop rotation, cold storage, farming as a business, farm equipment, and selling your products. There will be one classroom session per week and visits to a variety of local farms for hands-on learning as well.

Session 3: 

Session 3 is a short and flexible session meant to supplement the information covered in Session 1 and Session 2. Session 3 will look different to everyone who participates. It will include paid farm work options for participants to work on a local farm and help with harvesting. There will also be more optional farm visits, community garden volunteering, and more classes/workshops. The additional classes will include end of season topics such as seed saving, garlic planting, food preservation, and value added products. This session will be open to anyone that completes Session 1 and or Session 2. Any remaining spaces will be opened up to the public. 

Additional Information:


*Transportation to and from field visits will be offered.

*Build meaningful connections with local partner farms.

*Develop marketable skills in agriculture, specific to Interior Alaska.

*Certificate awarded on behalf of the Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District, upon completion of the course.

*Participants must reside in the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

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Applications open-apply today

Click here to view and fill out the application.