Birth to Bacon Farm, is it just about the pigs?

There is more to Mitch and Melissa Berggren than meets the eye. There is more to their farm, Birth to Bacon Farm than one is led to believe. You might believe that they raise pigs, which is a time consuming venture, but then you find out that there is a LOT more going on on the farm and in their lives.

These are hard working, passionate individuals who manage to do so much in a 24 hour day. So, the big surprise is that the farm is not all they do. They both have full time jobs and their “spare” time is spent taking care of the pigs, gardens, canning and preserving, raising kids and also working a 130 plus acre hay farm where they bale hay and roll and sell. They are both active in supporting 4H and FFA, Future Farmers of America. Mitch has proud association with both since his early days here in Fairbanks. He credits both programs, especially FFA to have taught him everything that he does with his various efforts.

They raise weaner pigs to sell to buyers who have a long history of purchasing these from the Berggren’s farm. Initially they raised pigs for their own table so the family would have meat during winter months, but now in addition to that they sell to others who raise them for meat, to resell, or to enter in auction and 4H competitions. Their pigs are well placed at these shows and events as grand champions.

Mitch has diversified his training and knowledge into meat processing, he is now in the process of purchasing a meat processing plant so his pigs and eventually other livestock, yes, he has plans for cattle too!, can be processed at the plant and give them the flexibility to sell to the wider community as the plant is a USDA Certified facility with inspector(s) that can provide those credentials needed for sale to consumers in the market.

These are busy people, when Mitch has an idea, he is supported by his wife and partner Melissa, and the surprising aspect of my interview with them is that they both smile and have a great sense of humor! My podcast with them is available right here on my website, but also on Apple, Spotify, IHeart, Amazon Music or where ever one gets their podcasts. Take a ,listen! You will be impressed just as I was.