Hannah Hill, Feeding People and affirming lives in Fairbanks, Alaska

Recently I sat down with Hannah Hill, Executive Director to discuss her work at Breadline, Inc in Fairbanks, Alaska. She is a bright light in our community who works every day to feed people in our community who have no resources, need food and are homeless.

She is often called the CEO of a small and might organization. She runs this anti hunger organization with the support of dedicated staff who all join her in providing healthy, nutritious meals every day to those who need food and have nowhere to get it. She and her staff do it in such a kind, no questions asked, every one is welcome, manner that leads to not only feeding the people, but also lifting their lives and dignity.

Somehow magically, and it does seem like magic, they produce meals that are amazing, and serve hundreds of people daily, everyday, adding more and more people that they need to feed. They use surplus food from hospital, food bank, and donations of food to make the meals. Lately they have been forced to buy their food, which is a challenge as they are not flush with cash. But their spirit remains high, positive and they continue to come in everyday with the mission to provide meals to those that show up to get them. Its a sobering and heartbreaking reality for any community, but in Fairbank, Alaska where it gets down to -40 degrees, its very frightening.

I hope those who take time to listen to this podcast will reach out and help, give their time, resources or surplus food. Its all needed and this problem is not going to go away by just ignoring it.