Farm to Fresh, Offbeet farm and a modern root cellar

On this episode, my guest is Sam Knapp. He is the only farmer in Interior Alaska that has a cold storage farm and produces winter storage vegetables, a niche that he has cultivated for himself and his farm that serves his passion for winter storage farming. Sam is a co-owner and the primary farmer at Offbeet Farm.  Sam worked for other vegetable farmers in Sweden, Alaska, and Wisconsin before starting his own farm in the UP of Michigan in 2017, Root Cellar Farm, which focused on storage crops and offered a winter-only CSA. He ran Root Cellar Farm for three years before returning to Alaska to start Offbeet Farm in 2020. Sam is passionate about both farming and winter storage

Everything he grows is meant for storage in his specially-designed, modern root cellar. After the veggies are washed and stored in the fall, he provides the Fairbanks area with access to locally grown food throughout the winter. 

Take a listen to his story, and his journey to building this very scientific, modern cold storage facility on his farm that is unique, one of a kind and providing his customer an amazing variety of vegetables all winter long that are fresh, crisp and taste wonderful.

Listen to this podcast here, or on Apple, Spotify, Amazon Music, IHeart or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Check out Sam’s website and you will have a true appreciation of what Cold Storage farming is all about.