The ever evolving Plant Kingdom. An established greenhouse under new hands, venturing in expansion and new directions but keeping the essence of the much loved greenhouse intact. Its a place to find flowers, vegetables, perennials, shrubs along with joy, peace and tranquility, and soon coffee!
Stephanie Bluekens is a young dynamic entrepreneur who has jumped in with great enthusiasm and focus to take over the greenhouse. She is a mom, a role model for all young entrepreneurs, and to my delight, a passionate supporter of addressing food security and sustainability in Interior Alaska by teaching rural Alaska small towns to grow their own vegetables, as fresh produce is not always available there. This is a much needed effort.
Plant Kingdom continues to evolve, and diversify so it attracts people to visit and relax, attend events, and participate in Easter Egg Hunts and Scavenger Hunts. A beautiful sprawling setting that has become well known for weddings and special evets.
This summer, if you are in Interior Alaska, please visit Plant Kingdom.